Posts Tagged ‘PS3’

Market Share results for December 2008 show that Playstation 3 users are more web savvy than their Wii counterparts.

For December 2008, Playstation 3 web surfers made up around 0.4%, while Wii users made up for 0.1% of the browser market.

This is an interesting result, as there have been almost twice as many Wii’s sold worldwide. Estimates put Wii sales at 25 million compared to 13 million for the Playstation 3. This suggests that Playstation owners are more tech savvy and intertwined with web culture.

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Sony has announced that the upcoming firmware version for PlayStation 3 will include support for Adobe’s Flash 9 player.

Firmware version 2.50 which should be released in the coming weeks will finally allow users to watch YouTube videos right from the consoles web browser.

This opens up a world of posibility, for things such as streaming HD movies through Flash on the PS3 will now be possible. It’s a great win for PS3 owners.

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