Firefox 3.1 Beta 1 Acid3 Results

Firefox 3.1 Beta 1 Acid3 Results

After testing Firefox 3.1 Beta 1 on the Acid3 test, the new browser scores an impressive 89/100. This compares to other browsers as follows:

  • Firefox 3 scores 71/100
  • Opera 9.6 scores 85/100
  • IE7 scores a dismal 12/100
  • IE8 Beta 2 scores 21/100
  • Safari 3.1.2 scores 75/100
  • Safari 4 Beta 100/100

This is a great improvement and a step to being fully standards compliant. Mozilla still have some work to go to get to that magic 100 mark, but things are heading in the right direction.

2 Responses
  1. Avatar

    and Opera Beta 10?

  2. Avatar

    Opera 10 beta does score 100 in the Acid 3 tests, but it was not out the time this aricle was posted.